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Showing posts from March, 2015

“Aatifa” The Inspiration

At this moment in time when we talk of “Women Empowerment” where we seek for creating value, respect and employment for women, there are some women who don’t even know what their rights are. Yes! This write-up isn’t talking about me, but about two innocent girls who were born with beautiful dreams in their eyes. Both named Aatifa… this scoop isn’t on Indians or Muslims but on humanity and feminism. Aatifa, a six years girl lost her leg in a war which happened because her parents changed their religion. A sheer blot on sovereignty! I will not question on religion practices here. We all are blessed with a beautiful life and individual brains, then what causes the need of all these riots and wars! If we want to believe in “A as Apple” then how does that matter to us if the other says “A as Alpha”! Six years innocent girl, who can’t even spell out “religion” correctly, got a curse for life just because the community dint like her parents converting their religion. Wel

I Choose Emotions

I always wanted to write my first blog on a very bubbly fairy sort of title which could set forth what I am. A fairyland, flowers all around, happiness and piousness in everyone’s heart… A world of such kinds! But a “good morning” moment jostled me up today! While crossing a red light at the signal, returning back from office... I saw a little innocent boy holding a bag full of toys. Sounds pretty hunky-dory right! I wish it could have eyeballed the same way too! That boy was actually selling those toys. At such a tender age, when he deserves to play with those toys, he was the one selling them! He held the bag in one hand and was playing with one of the toy in the other one. The poor chap! I remember when we used to be a small kid... We used to yell and scream in agony when someone used to take away our toys from our hands, especially at the time when we were actually playing with them. And look at this poor boy! He himself will have to give that toy to someone who will pa