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“Aatifa” The Inspiration

At this moment in time when we talk of “Women Empowerment” where we seek for creating value, respect and employment for women, there are some women who don’t even know what their rights are.

Yes! This write-up isn’t talking about me, but about two innocent girls who were born with beautiful dreams in their eyes. Both named Aatifa… this scoop isn’t on Indians or Muslims but on humanity and feminism.

Aatifa, a six years girl lost her leg in a war which happened because her parents changed their religion. A sheer blot on sovereignty! I will not question on religion practices here. We all are blessed with a beautiful life and individual brains, then what causes the need of all these riots and wars! If we want to believe in “A as Apple” then how does that matter to us if the other says “A as Alpha”! Six years innocent girl, who can’t even spell out “religion” correctly, got a curse for life just because the community dint like her parents converting their religion. Well, I am glad to be born in a family where I have always been taught that God is one and we have just given him different names. Some say Allah, some say Ram, some say Jesus, but every religion teach the same values… of truth, love and everything pious. It’s like all humans send tokens of their respect and love to the same recipient at different addresses… surely God has several gates and windows from where he listens to our plead! Aatifa used to play with her friends and brag about her cousins who lived in the US, that “one day I will go there and enjoy my life to the fullest”. Poor child… now can never walk. She still dreams of going US but now with the aid of someone else’s legs. Uhhhh…….

Another Aatifa is also a hero, who did not lose hopes just like the kid Aatifa. She belonged to a very backward area of a town where girls are not given importance and liberty. She never got a chance to go to school, got married to a male chauvinist at a very tender age, gave birth to 4 children every consecutive year and in return received disrespect and abuses, both physically and mentally from her husband… who was supposed to be her soul mate. She could never gather the courage to stand for her happiness and rights but a mother in her made her rebellious and that’s why we say that- “A Mother is God on Earth”. Inspite of not knowing the local language (English) of the place where her husband took her to, she sought for help through a women NGO. She raised her voice and left her husband, which is the most inevitable crime in her society, a society where girls are beaten and taken as a material for comfort and pleasure. Today she is in Seattle, a place where she always dreamt of going since her childhood as someone once said to her that “Seattle is a beautiful place”. Her husband dint leave her in a condition in which she can stand on her feet and earn her living, but she still managed to groom her children in the best possible way. Now she is happy and independent.
Aatifa, both of you stand as an inspiration for we women of this era. A girl leaves her family, friends, her practices and hobbies and tries to subsist her man and his everything. In return she looks for care and support and what she gets is a jerk who takes her as his property! Shame right… Wake up boys. Your lady deserves a better you. Wake up girls. You are precious to this World.

Beautify your life, thoughts, conscience and your partner’s space in your life… because life does not give second chances. Realize where you’re wrong and work upon them. Yes we’re humans!! We commit mistakes, but a real human is the one who works upon them and never repeats.


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