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Expanding Horizons

It’s 2016 and we are in-fact opening a new era. Having said that, leaving the old behind and discovering advanced possibilities are the empirical call of the hour. Everybody is busy designing their future turning out to be tools on the internet of things; howbeit some folk still find time to pervade everyone’s milk-and-honey. This reminds me of a very critical issue which itself stands as an exclusive talking point- Equality amongst mankind.

India, a nation with the richest heritage across the globe, is well known for its “Unity in Diversity”. Lately broadcasted, a Hindu man in Mumbai, Kalesaab, could have easily earned Rs 1 lakh per month as rent from his place but he gave it to Muslims for free to pay their offerings. Likely, another example to mankind is this Muslim man from Indore, Mohammed Zahir, who takes care of a Dargaah and a Temple at the same time. Religions have never been an obstacle to his services for sure. Secularism in India is alive only because of people like these. Kudos to them!!

Conversely, there are individuals who deem people in line from their religions. Lately, I was overwhelmed by a shock when I came across a so-called “very normal” incident. A well established affluent family man was refused by the owner to be given a flat because he was Muslim. We all should take a bow before such people on Earth, not because they have an incredible line of thought but they are so shameless while shooting it right from the hip, saying a NO to secularism! With due respect to all Gods and religions, I say that talking controversies is not my thing, yet I can’t help myself from getting distressed from such situations. Is it so difficult to make sense of an uncomplicated phrase- Not every Muslim is a terrorist and not all Hindus foster the saffron terror.

An article clearly mentions- “Most terrorists in India are Hindus, the ones whom we have conveniently labeled "Maoist" instead of "Hindu". The second largest group of terrorist is the tribals, Hindus, animists and perhaps some Christians of the North East. Muslims are third”. Nevertheless ‘terrorism’ is today accepted only that which is Islamist.

It’s a never ending fight. Aren’t we all made of the same mud, flesh and blood? Mankind is at loggerhead over whose God is superior and whose is not. If we will forget that we are one nation under one God, then we will be a nation gone under… and this is all happening already! Concurrently there are aliens who are offering tribute to Indian culture from their music albums like ‘cold play’ and songs like ‘lean on’.

Our culture, our traditions, our language are the foundations upon which we build our identity. Isn’t it? We are Indians, firstly and lastly and we should protect this heritage. It’s our responsibility.

Similarly people show tyranny towards transgender. When our God have made them like that then who are we to grapple up their lives! Admiringly Kerala has launched a taxi service “G-Taxi” giving employment opportunity to transgenders. Yes!! Transgenders, who are striving hard to find a place in mainstream society, will soon turn entrepreneurs in Kerala with the launch of a taxi service which will be owned and operated by them. Pride indeed.

Adding to the context further, a recent case with a young dalit student, Rohith Chakravarti Vemula, in Hyderabad enkindled the casteism issue. Surely casteism is still alive and kicking in India. Untouchability just because his surname or category is different from yours! A sheer blot on mankind again!!

It’s time to move ahead of all these cans of worms. We immortals have got a single life and there is so much good left to do. Right? Expand your horizons beyond these mere materials. We are made of dust and will return to the same. It’s up to you now- make your dust the star one or die ordinary. Explore opportunities and leave the prejudice business. It’s simply not worth it.    


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