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Life amidst Anxiety

Anxiety is like a mountain which we carry but we need to understand that, this mountain is supposed to be climbed and not be carried anymore. A short poesy dedicated to anxiety…

An ailment isn’t anxiety, it’s just that an anxious mind is more connected with the deity.

The life breathes 24 hours a day and every next morning is a new play.

A tiny pain cites the whole life in vain, and a little glory wipes out all that bane.

Every-day the new-life falls after a goal, life with anxiety is a strife on the whole.

They know they’re the best and stands nowhere the rest, yet all who comes in their way to success- is their anxious mind that works faster and brings distress.

Waiting for the result every second seems as being bitten by a bee, where everyone else says “patience is the key”.

She undertakes a continuous interaction of her mind with the soul, no she’s not a cuckoo! Just stop pulling that troll.

He thinks a lot and fears the wrong, oh come on! That doesn’t mean he isn’t strong.

In every attempt to reach the light, the casted shadow repels from the near, and that is all about the baggage of their insecurity and fear.

Anxiety is a battle, please hold back from showing your rattle;

Instead appease us with your care and make the World for us fair.


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